Rosemead Optometry

Serving the San Gabriel Valley for over 25 years

Soft Contact Lenses

These lenses are made of a soft flexible material that is very safe and easy to use. Patients usually adapt to soft contact lenses very quickly. Newer materials like silicone hydrogels allow more oxygen to the cornea providing patients with added comfort and health. Soft contact lenses are available in a wide range of powers and brands.

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses

Also know as hard lenses, RGP’s are more durable and resistant to deposit build up than their soft lens counterparts. Initially they are less comfortable than soft lenses and take longer to adapt to. Due to the hard plastic material, RGP lenses can last 1-2 years if taken care of properly. However, most patients prefer soft lenses due to their greater comfort and adaptability. Hard lenses may be necessary in cases of corneal dystrophies like Kerataconus.

Extended Wear Contact Lenses

Extended wear lenses are available for overnight and continuous wear for up to 30 days. They are usually soft contact lenses that are made from a special material that allows the maximum amount of oxygen to pass through to the cornea. These lenses are ideal for patients who are looking for a more flexible wearing schedule. The length of continuous wear will be determined by the doctor during the fitting process.

Disposable Contact Lenses

Most soft contact lenses are disposable. Some are used for 2 weeks and then thrown away, while others can last 1-2 months. True “daily wear” disposable lenses are used only once and a brand new pair of lenses is used each new day. The doctor will discuss your specific lifestyle requirements and decide which lens is right for you.

Multi-Focal and Mono-Vision Contact Lenses

Theses lenses are usually made of a soft flexible material. They provide both distance and
near vision correction for people who have focusing difficulties (usually people
over 40 years of age). Perfect for patients who are tired of wearing reading or computer
glasses over their current contact lenses. The Doctor will decide if multi-focal or mono-
vision lenses are right for you.

Colored or Decorative Contact Lenses

These lenses allow patients to temporarily change their eye color. It is now possible for a brown eyed person to change their eye color to blue. Patients who do not need any vision correction may still use colored contacts. These “plano” lenses are still regulated by the FDA just like corrective contact lenses and require a doctor’s fitting. Decorative contacts are available in a wide range of colors and styles.

Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. -Jim Carrey